Are you building or updating a garage that holds your large-sized vehicle? Standard garage door sizes, such as a 7’ x 9’ door, make it difficult to store a large vehicle, such as a pickup truck, SUV, or RV, so choosing a door for that situation can be more complicated. There’s good news, though! Custom-made garage doors are possible and easy to choose with these four simple steps.
Picture the following scenario. You pull up to your house after a long day at work. It’s hot outside, and all you want to do is park your car in the garage and get inside to some much-needed air conditioning. When you get to the garage door, you grab the opener to raise the garage door, and nothing happens. You click the opener again – and again. Frustrated, you continue to mash the buttons but don’t get any results. Most people would assume it’s the door opener remote. However, you soon find out that it seems like something much more complicated - you have to reprogram your LiftMaster Chamberlain garage door opener.
As the cold weather approaches, it's time once more to winterize your home. These tips will help keep you comfortable and save you money this winter!
Reinforcement struts are generally installed on double garage doors, for example, doors that are 16 feet wide. You’ve probably noticed a U-shaped bar, but maybe you weren’t sure what it was… Well, now you know. Read on to find out what they are used for.
Perhaps you’re having a relaxing morning with a hot cup of tea. Or maybe you’re attempting to hurry the kids out the door and onto the school bus. Without warning, you hear a deafening crack! Sounds like an explosion! Even though you don’t know what broke, you know it can’t be good.
After a few moments of frantic searching, you find it; the thick spring above your garage door is in two pieces. Since you don’t know what to do, you decide to deal with it later. It doesn’t need to be fixed right away, does it?