Garage Door Maintenance & Repair

Perhaps you’re having a relaxing morning with a hot cup of tea. Or maybe you’re attempting to hurry the kids out the door and onto the school bus. Without warning, you hear a deafening crack! Sounds like an explosion! Even though you don’t know what broke, you know it can’t be good. After a few moments of frantic searching, you find it; the thick spring above your garage door is in two pieces. Since you don’t know what to do, you decide to deal with it later. It doesn’t need to be fixed right away, does it?
When your garage door opens, does it sound like a dragon is yawning or you have an army of mice squeaking? Whether the door is grinding or squeaking, it needs attention for a couple of reasons. First, it could be a sign that something’s wrong with the door. Second, these sounds are extremely annoying for you and anyone who might be in earshot. Thankfully, it isn’t too hard to fix many of the problems that could be causing the noise. Here are some tips to help
If you have ever had the pleasure of racing to your garage after a loud bang to find the spring on your garage door broken, you know how frustrating it can be. Once you notice the broken spring, you may begin contemplating if you should replace the spring yourself or hire someone to do it. If you are considering replacing the spring yourself, you shouldn’t. Why? Find out below.
They say that most of us don’t appreciate some things until they are gone, and this is oh-so-true when it is the garage door opener that seems to have stopped working. Not only does the malfunctioning garage door opener mean we have to stop on our way out or in, but it means we also have to figure out just what is going on!
While many seem to think that getting a new garage door is as simple as choosing one and finding a person to install it, there’s a lot more to it than that. Naturally, reputation is important, and that’s something that you’ll want to look into. Also, does the garage door dealer back up the quality of their work with a warranty?
Your garage door is more than just the thing that covers your home’s biggest entryway; it’s also the largest moving object in your entire home too. So you should at least try your best to take care of it as well as you can. The following ten tips will be enough maintenance to ensure major problems are prevented before they escalate into something worse.