There is a lot more to setting up and hosting a successful garage sale than simply tossing a bunch of old stuff together in boxes and on tables and hoping for the best. If you want to make sure your next garage sale is profitable, you’ll want to make sure you follow the tips in this article. They will drastically increase your chances of success!
Take the Time to Build Your Stockpile
You don’t want a garage sale with just a few small things. Make sure to take the time to gather everything extra you want to sell, from clothes to old games to Christmas decorations. You want a huge stockpile to draw in the crowds.
Schedule Smart
There’s no question that you want your sale on a weekend, and if you can do it during a mild season like spring or autumn, you’ll have more success than during the dog days of summer.
Promote Your Sale
You don’t want to leave discovery of your sale to chance. You should put up fliers in the neighborhood in addition to a classified ad in the local paper a day or two ahead of time. Having a big sign that’s easy to spot on location is also a huge part of promoting your garage sale.
Preparing for the Big Day!
One Week Ahead of Time
- Gather up everything you have
- Sort everything into piles based on material
- Decide on some general prices
- Label items clearly
- Make sure there are enough tables to show off everything you intend to sell
The Night Before
You’ll want to set up as much as possible in your garage so you’re not rushing to get everything outside on the day of the sale. It’s also a good idea to make sure you have plenty of small bills and coins on hand for change. A little preparation can go a very long way to making things run smoothly the next day.
Make Sure to Remember the Little Things
Make sure you have a comfortable and preferably shady place to relax while the crowds come and go, as well as a lockbox or other solid location to gather the profits during the course of the day.
Remember that Attitude Goes a Long Way
You will always want to be friendly and polite. Greet customers as they arrive but also give them the space and time to look around. Thank everyone as they leave whether they buy anything or not. Attitude goes a long way!
Don’t Be Afraid to Haggle – or Not
There’s generally an accepted belief that whether at a flea market or garage sale, that you can haggle over prices. Don’t be afraid to embrace that game, make some deals, or if you feel strongly that prices are fair, don’t be worried about declining, especially early on in the day. Towards the end of the day don’t be afraid to go in the other direction and offer great deals.
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