When your old garage door still functions well, but you just don’t like the aesthetic. Is it worth it to paint that old wood or metal door, or should you just go ahead and replace the system with a more modern look?
It can be a hard choice which is why we put together this little article to help you decide. To paint or not to paint!
What’s the age of your garage door?
Whether it is made of metal or wood, the most important question when it comes to replacement is not appearance; it is safety. You want to make sure that all pieces of your door are in good working order. Most often when we speak about metal, it is more exactly steel, either insulated or not. Even if your wood door is a bit worn and faded with time, it’s not the door you have to examine, but what is behind the door.
If the hardware system is also as old as the door, you may observe several rusted parts, especially those installed at the bottom of the door, If that is the case, it’s high time you seriously consider changing the complete garage door system.
If it is a solid wood door or one covered with solid wood, you should be aware that wood must maintain a certain level of moisture or it will split, this is true even if the door has been varnished. Remember that wood must breathe. Otherwise it quickly deteriorates.
Wood doors will become heavier over time as they absorb moisture. If you have a “sandwich” garage door (two outside wood surfaces sandwiched around a mineral wool insulation or a polystyrene panel), then you can be sure that the inner layer has absorbed a substantial amount of moisture.
How much time will it take to repaint?
Repainting a garage door is a relatively easy job, but it does take quite a bit of time to complete. Your first step will be making sure that your new paint color matches the original or if you are planning on changing paint colors that it matches the color palette.
Wait for the ideal weather before starting! It obviously should be dry, and the temperature should be between 60F and 75F (15C and 25C). Don’t try tackle the job of painting in full sun or in the rain. If you are completely changing the color or your door has traces of rust on it, you will want to prepare the surface with a quality primer. The primer will allow the paint to adhere properly.
Also important is to ensure you have sufficient time to do the job correctly, and you will also need to consider the weather. Having a poorly re‑painted door will look much worse than having a door that needs to be repainted. Remember to plan enough drying time based on the quality and type of paint, the level of humidity, and the ambient temperature both on the interior and exterior of the garage.
If you have a metal door that is in good repair (i.e. no dents or deep scratches), you can hire a painter that specializes in exteriors to do the work for you.
How much does a new door cost?
For a single garage door used to park a regular sized car, it can cost around $1000. If your garage door opener is relatively new and works well, it can easily be reused and reconnected to your new garage door which in turn saves you money.
If this sounds like a better plan than repainting to you, then go ahead and contact us. We are garage door professionals who understand door systems inside and out, and we will be able to give you advice and explain the best choice to make based on your exact needs, all while respecting your budget. If desired, we can easily send you a quote by email.
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